Wednesday, October 22, 2008

WOW has time gotten away from me

I don't even know where to begin. Here I sit, 8 weeks after the beginning of the semester. Accomplishments thus far (can you tell I like bullet points!):

- Completed Drug Dosage Calculations with an A!
- Checked off on all my skills in Lab (bedmaking, bathing, ROM, foleys, tube feeds, precautions, transfers, med administration, etc)
- Cared for my first actual patient! He is a wonderful gentleman and that experience REALLY made an impact on me. It confirmed my desire to become a nurse.

And the not-so-good stuff:

- I was short with my children and husband too many times
- We lost 1 of our 8 classmates already (she was offered a promotion at work and decided to leave the program). She was my best buddy in our class!
- Lost A LOT of sleep

But overall it has been worth it. Clinical is awesome. We have been in the nursing home thus far but we'll be on the medicine (general medical/cardiac unit) tonight. Mostly orienting and observing tonight, though.

My classmates are awesome. My professors are pretty great as well - 2 of 3 of them are new so we have been working through those growing pains, but they have their heart absolutely in the right place and are very capable. We are just all learning the system together.

Hopefully I will be posting more often in the future! My goal is to post no less then 1x a week. I am studying for our Fundamentals mid-term now, so the next post will give details on how that went (test is tomorrow).